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    Try these steps:

    1. While renaming your app bundle package name, it’s essential to follow the steps in the “Rename package name/build & publish your app” section of the documentation (video:; Summary: You need to change the OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension Bundle Identifier to be {your app’s bundle ID}.OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension. If actual app’s Bundle ID is, the bundle ID OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension would be correct. Once you change the Bundle ID, you can enable Automatic provisioning, and it should work).


    1. Open the Terminal app on macOS, enter security find-identity -vp codesigning and press Enter. Enter your password (you will not see any *** placeholders) and press Enter again. Your Apple Developer certificate must be in the results. If that’s not the case, please remove it and add your certificate to keychain again.


    1. Open the Terminal app on macOS, enter security unlock-keychain and press Enter. Enter your password (you will not see any *** placeholders) and press Enter again.


    1. Open the Terminal app on macOS, enter security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple:,codesign: -s -k YOUR_MAC_PASSWORD_HERE /Users/YOUR_MAC_USERNAME_HERE/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db and press Enter.


    1. Generate new development & distribution certificates with Xcode automatically. In Xcode menu bar choose, “Xcode”, “Preferences…->Accounts->Your Apple ID->Choose your company team->”Manage Certificates”->”+”->”Apple Development”. Repeat the last step with “Apple Distribution”.


    1. Set the signing target for both WebViewGold and OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension to “iPhone Developer (Automatic)”.


    1. Restart your Mac and try again.
    in WebViewGold for iOS