- Fix Apple’s “Action Required: Apple Push Notification Service Server Certificate Update” in WebView and OneSignal Apps
- Key Metrics to Track in Your iOS & Android Apps and What They Reveal
- Preparing your iOS (WebView) app for publishing in App Store
- Troubleshooting Xcode Build Errors for Zip Package: The Simple Fix You Might Be Overlooking
- Monetizing Your App: Strategies for Generating Revenue
- Security and Privacy: Protecting Your Users’ Data in Mobile Apps
- May 2024: WebViewGold Integrates Pushwoosh for Enhanced Mobile App Notifications – How To Use It?
- Value of type ‘WKWebView’ has no member ‘isInspectable’
- How to add Basic Web Authentication Login Support to Android WebView-Based App?
- “Unable to Install” Xcode error
- How to prevent Non-HTTPS connections in WebViewGold for iOS? | Removing NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent from Info.plist
- How to fix “Run custom shell script ‘[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks’” in Xcode 14.3+?
- How To Fix OneSignal Push Badge “Increase By” Option Not Working on WebViewGold iOS App Template
- How to Find and Securely Use Your App Store Connect Shared Secret for In-App Purchases
- Renewing Your OneSignal Push Certificate: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Can I test In-App Purchases without an Extended License?
- A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Apple Developer Account for App Store Publishing & Testing
- How exactly can I update / replace my existing, launched app with a WebViewGold-based app?
- In-App Purchases do not work in my WebViewGold-based app, what should I do?
- Does WebViewGold support Blob URL/files?
- How to fix Facebook and/or Google login functionality in WebView (e.g., error 403, in-app browser not coming back, …)?
- I get a “No such module OneSignal“, “framework not found Pods_WebViewGold“, or another Pods build error in Xcode – what should I do?
- How to change the color of the white launch screen before the splash screen displays?
- ‘Abort trap: 6’ error when archiving project
- What is an iOS WebView App? A Guide to this Popular Mobile App Technology
- How to upgrade WebViewGold without having to redo the entire set up process / start from scratch ?
- Facebook displays “Log in near X from UIWebView on iOS XX (Today at XX:XX AM)” or “Log in near X from WKWebView on iOS XX (Today at XX:XX AM)” in “Review Recent Login” section – how to prevent that?
- Why does my website behave differently in the WebView app than in the browser?
- How to add a “pull to refresh” function in my WebView app?
- Xcode displays: “Pods-WebViewGold-frameworks.sh cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.”
- Xcode displays: “Failed to register bundle identifier” / “The app identifier … cannot be registered to your development team because it is not available.” | “No profiles for “…”.OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension were found
- Xcode shows the “Embedded binary’s bundle identifier is not prefixed” error message
- Xcode displays this message: “Failed to create provisioning profile”
- Xcode displays “[…] GoogleUserMessagingPlatform-xcframeworks.sh: Permission denied”
- Xcode displays Pod error such as “Permission denied” or “Run custom shell script”
- Does WebViewGold support Arabic, Hebrew, or other right-to-left/RTL languages?
- How to make the WebView app multi-language / how to receive the iOS/Android user language?
- How to display something customized content when accessed by the app?
- How to add a “swipe back/swipe forward” function in my WebView app?
- How to handle (external) links in WebViewGold?
- Apple sends mail containing ITMS-90473: CFBundleVersion Mismatch – The CFBundleVersion value ‘1’ of extension ‘WebViewGold.app/PlugIns/OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension.appex’ does not match the CFBundleVersion value ‘1.0’ of its containing iOS application ‘WebViewGold.app’.
- Why, even when receiving a OneSignal notification, the app does not show / not increase the number of notifications / notification badge / notification count badge / counting badge on the app icon?
- OneSignal Push Deeplinking does not work – what can I do?
- Does WebViewGold will support background audio or audio playing on the lock screen? What should I do if it’s not working (iOS + Android)?
- Xcode displays error “Signing for “OneSignalNotificationServiceExtenson” requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor (in target OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension)”
- Xcode displays an error containing “Provisioning profile doesn’t support the push notifications capability” error OR Xcode displays “Provisioning profile doesn’t include the aps-environment entitlement.
- How can I test the iOS app on a real device (instead of Simulator) without paying for the Apple Developer membership?
- Android Error shows an error containing the word !directory.isDirectory()
- On iOS, my app does not load when entering the URL and running the app. It’s only white screen.
- (How) Does Push work with bubble.io?
- How can I include the offline mode for a WordPress site?
- How to use the fallback mode of WebViewGold? How to display an HTML folder if the user is offline and display a remote URL if the user is online in WebView app?
- Does Push work with WordPress and WebViewGold?
- Can I convert my website to iOS app with WebViewGold?
- Does WebViewGold work with websites/web apps built with HTML 5 Games?
- Does WebViewGold work with websites/web apps built with Progressive Web Apps (PWA)?
- Does WebViewGold work with websites/web apps built with WordPress?
- Does WebViewGold work with websites/web apps built with PHP?
- Does WebViewGold work with websites/web apps built with HTML?
- I see that my WebViewGold app doesn’t show AdSense web ads. I want to show my website as it is displayed in web browsers (with all default AdSense ads) instead of native AdMob ads with the iOS/Android AdMob SDK.
- I have a WordPress website, and I don’t want to show all pages / hide some links in my app built with WebViewGold. Is this possible?
- How to hide/modify/add specific elements from my site?
- In WebViewGold, do I have the option to make a grid with several icons that lead to different URLs on the home page? Something like a landing page?
- Are there back/forward buttons in the WebViewGold app template?
- My website uses a JS slider (e.g., https://swiperjs.com/), and when the user swipes, some of the text flickers. Is there any way to stop this from happening?
- I want to change the color of the status bar in iOS.
- I want to hide the status bar / statusbar on iOS and/or Android (instead, I want an full screen / full-screen / fullscreen app) / want to have a transparent status bar
- How does the QR Code Scanner / QR Scanner work?
- Can I access web data when the app user is online and use these data in my local web assets?
- How to remove the OneSignal SDK? How to remove Firebase SDK? How to remove Admob SDK?
- How to disable remote push notifications on iOS?
- My site is slow, how to improve it?
- App Store upload asks me whether I use the Ad ID. I do not use AdMob in WebViewGold. What should I tick? Does this app use IDFA?
- What should I choose in the App Store Connect dialog “Does your app use encryption? Select Yes even if your app only uses the standard encryption within Apple’s operating system”?
- iOS: How to resize the splash screen? Can I do a full-screen / full screen splash screen / loading screen?
- How to modify the splash screen? Can I use an animated GIF? Can I still use a static image?
- How many apps I am allowed to publish with one license?
- How can I remove the pinch to zoom (zooming) functionality in iOS?
- Is there any way to change the spinning “loading” icon to a different graphic?
- How can I disable the “Download Image” pop up dialog/pop-up dialog on long click on images, please?
- How to disable the vertical scrollbar or the horizontal scrollbar on iOS?
- Is this app template whitelabel? Or does the WebViewGold app template contain branding / ads from your company?
- While using WebViewGold, my website shows a black screen when playing audio // Can I avoid the native fullscreen audio/video player with HTML5 on iOS or Android? // How to achieve in-line video / inline video player?
- How can I record live audio (microphone access) via HTML5 and WebView? How about WebRTC support?
- How long does it take from giving you the URL to actual deployment on stores?
- Are Web Push Notifications and Push Notifications the same? Can I send Web Push notifications / Web Notifications to my WebViewGold app?
- How can I send individual push notifications for users?
- How do push notifications work?
- Xcode displays error: “cannot find type OSHandleNotificationActionBlock in scope”
- I can not open maps links, tel links, and mail links in my WebViewGold app.
- Can my In-App Purchase products be imported automatically from WordPress?
- How to set a successful URL for In-App Purchases? If I use your in-app purchase API, would it be possible to identify the buyer grant full access to web content? If yes, do I need to do it manually or is it an integrated solution?
- AdMob not showing up in Simulator.
- AdMob ads run smoothly in the iOS Simulator. But it doesn’t show ads on real devices and when I build. What is the problem? What can I do?
- AdMob showing this error/warning: “We didn’t find a developer website in your app listing on App Store”
- Multiple file upload does not work correctly.
- AJAX Upload field / Drag & drop area / Camera upload / Photo upload does not work (correctly).
- Within my iOS apps, some parts (e.g., images, JavaScript, CSS, slider) of the website are not loaded (correctly).
- How to disable AppTrackingTransparency, fill out privacy form, or react to rejection based on AppTrackingTransparency from Apple?
- Apple requires me to add Apple Sign In / Apple Login / Apple Log In / (“Sign in With Apple”) / Login with Apple / Login with Apple to my app. How can I go around this?
- Apple rejected the iOS app based on In-App Purchase problems with this message: “We discovered one or more bugs in your app. Specifically, we notice an error message upon attempting to make in app purchase. // Please run your app on a device to reproduce the issues, then revise and submit your app for review.” // Screenshot in Resolution Center shows “The purchase identifier was invalid”
- Apple rejected the metadata / App Store Connect Status: “Metadata rejected” – how to proceed?”
- Apple rejected my app with this reason: Guideline 4.3 – Design / “We noticed that your app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam.”
- Apple sent a mail: “We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access their camera but does not clarify the use of the camera in the applicable purpose string. ” /// “Please revise the relevant purpose string in your app’s Info.plist file to specify why the app is requesting access to the user’s camera. You can modify your app’s Info.plist file using the property list editor in Xcode.”
- Apple sent me an email containing: “Missing Push Notification Entitlement”
- How to disable 3D touch / force touch / long press?
- I know that WebViewGold supports access to the camera. Thus I would like to know if I can extend that to implement snap (camera or upload image) and crop.
- I received a refusal notice from Apple because they asked about the camera / location usage permission. They ask what its use cases are, knowing that I am NOT requiring it for my web application.
- Apple rejected my iOS App because of “Guideline 5.1.1 – Legal – Privacy – Data Collection and Storage – we noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access the location but does not clarify the use of the location in the applicable purpose string.”
- Will cookies work? Will the login of my website/web app still work? What to do if cookies do not work?
- Can I use Google Analytics in my WebViewGold app?
- Can I use local web assets (like local HTML, …) in my WebViewGold app that is loading remote assets? Does that work with Progressive Web Apps?
- I am getting this kind of error in Xcode: “errSecInternalComponent Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code” or “Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1”
- I am getting the “Distill failed for unknown reasons” error in Xcode
- How to add a customized notification sound in OneSignal / How to add my own sound to push notifications?
- OneSignal displays an error containing “Others APNs 3000 Error”
- Xcode Error: “This app could not be installed at this time” (CFBundleIdentifier error)
- Xcode ERROR ITMS-90685: “CFBundleIdentifier Collision. There is more than one bundle”
- Xcode Upload Error: “CFBundleIdentifier Collision Error” and/or “Bad bundle identifier”
- Xcode project does not work on Apple-chip Macs (e.g., “OneSignal(OneSignal-arm64-master.o), building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS”)
- Xcode displays the error “No such module ‘SwiftQRScanner’”.
- The language that appears in the App Store is English, and I am publishing it in another country, and that is why I need it to switch the language – how to do that?
- Xcode showing multiple ‘Multiple commands produce’ errors while building
- Regarding JavaScript notifications API, what are its advantages and disadvantages compared to remote push?
- Apple Pay is not working in WebView apps, but it does work in Safari. What can I do?
- My link is opening in a popup. But it should be opened in a normal window.
- Do I need a Mac for this? / What should I do if my Xcode is too old?
- Will Apple accept WebView apps built with WebViewGold?
- Which payment options are available for buying WebViewGold?
- I bought the Regular License and I want to upgrade to the Extended License.
- Do I need a Regular License or Extended License?
- Can I switch the URL within one license/one project?
- Can I upgrade to WeSetupYourWebViewApp service / Full Service after I bought WebViewGold?
- Can I update my existing app with a WebViewGold app?
- Do I need coding / development skills?