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    To change the language settings for your app in the App Store, you need to change the language settings in your app’s Info.plist file.

    There are two keys that you need to change in the Info.plist file to ensure that your app is correctly displayed as German in the App Store. These keys are:

    “CFBundleDevelopmentRegion”: this key sets the language that will be used as the default language for your app. To ensure that your app displays as German in the App Store, you must set “CFBundleDevelopmentRegion” to “de”.

    “CFBundleLocalizations”: This key determines which languages your app supports. To ensure that your app shows up as German in the App Store, you need to make sure that “de” is listed as a supported language in this key.

    Once you’ve made these changes, make sure you rebuild your app and upload it to the App Store for the changes to take effect. Also, make sure you select the correct language in App Store Connect as well (where you upload the screenshots and text).

    Hope this helps you out – otherwise, feel free to reach out!

    in WebViewGold for iOS