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    In the video, you can see that your app has two targets (WebViewGold and OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension). Make sure to follow the steps precisely like shown in the video; it seems like you missed adding the OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension appendix in the second target. And most importantly in your case, make sure it’s bundle identifier is distinct from your app’s bundle identifier.


    If your app bundle ID format is:


    Your OneSignal app extension bundle ID now has to be:


    Check these screenshots: 

    Screenshot 1:

    Screenshot 2:


    Are you still having problems? We would love to help you fix them. Can you send me the full source code as a sharing link (e.g., Dropbox)? While doing that, please reply directly to this mail instead of inviting our mail address to a shared file in Dropbox. Thanks! 🙂


    in WebViewGold for iOS