- How to Fix the Android Studio Error: “The project is using an incompatible version (AGP X.X.X) of the Android Gradle plugin”?
- Key Metrics to Track in Your iOS & Android Apps and What They Reveal
- Monetizing Your App: Strategies for Generating Revenue
- Security and Privacy: Protecting Your Users’ Data in Mobile Apps
- Solving the “Writable dex file is not allowed” Crash in Android Apps
- Google Play Target API Level 34 Requirement: What Developers Need to Know
- May 2024: WebViewGold Integrates Pushwoosh for Enhanced Mobile App Notifications – How To Use It?
- Can You Convert a Website to an App: Unlocking Mobile Potential for Your Business?
- How to Hide the Android App Links/”Deeplinking Not Configured Correctly” Warnings in Play Store for WebViewGold Users
- How to add Basic Web Authentication Login Support to Android WebView-Based App?
- Firebase registration issue / “Invalid google_app_id. Provided id: xxxxxxxxx” error
- How to prevent Non-HTTPS connections in WebViewGold for Android? | Switching usesCleartextTraffic from ‘true to ‘false’
- How to resolve a “SDK Location Not Found” error in Android Studio?
- Step-by-Step Guide: How to Create a Google Play Store Developer Account For Your Android App Publishing
- I don’t want to display ads in my app, but WebViewGold has the Advertising ID permission built in. What do I do?
- Are Data URLs supported in WebViewGold for Android?
- How exactly can I update / replace my existing, launched app with a WebViewGold-based app?
- In-App Purchases do not work in my WebViewGold-based app, what should I do?
- Does WebViewGold support Blob URL/files?
- How to fix Facebook and/or Google login functionality in WebView (e.g., error 403, in-app browser not coming back, …)?
- Android WebView app technology: What’s behind it?
- How to upgrade WebViewGold without having to redo the entire set up process / start from scratch ?
- How to enable auto-rotate / change app orientation to landscape?
- Error message showing “Gradle sync failed: Sync failed: reason unknown”
- Facebook displays “Log in near X from UIWebView on iOS XX (Today at XX:XX AM)” or “Log in near X from WKWebView on iOS XX (Today at XX:XX AM)” in “Review Recent Login” section – how to prevent that?
- Why does my website behave differently in the WebView app than in the browser?
- How to add a “pull to refresh” function in my WebView app?
- Does WebViewGold support Arabic, Hebrew, or other right-to-left/RTL languages?
- How can I prevent the Android device from going to sleep mode while the app is active?
- How to make the WebView app multi-language / how to receive the iOS/Android user language?
- How to display something customized content when accessed by the app?
- How to fix Google Drive error “Access to …….docs.googleusercontent.com was denied. You don’t have authorization to view this page. (HTTP ERROR 403)” on Android?
- How to add a “swipe back/swipe forward” function in my WebView app?
- How to handle (external) links in WebViewGold?
- Android Studio throws error: “Duplicate resources”
- Android Studio throws error: error: duplicate class: com.webviewgold.myappname public final class BuildConfig {
- Android: How can I initiate the deeplinking URL of OneSignal notifications in the system browser instead of going to the app?
- Why, even when receiving a OneSignal notification, the app does not show / not increase the number of notifications / notification badge / notification count badge / counting badge on the app icon?
- OneSignal Push Deeplinking does not work – what can I do?
- Does WebViewGold will support background audio or audio playing on the lock screen? What should I do if it’s not working (iOS + Android)?
- Android opens links in new window or in tab but this should NOT be the behaviour.
- Android Studio showing this error: “ic_launcher_foreground not found”
- Android Error shows an error containing the word !directory.isDirectory()
- (How) Does Push work with bubble.io?
- How can I include the offline mode for a WordPress site?
- How to use the fallback mode of WebViewGold? How to display an HTML folder if the user is offline and display a remote URL if the user is online in WebView app?
- Does Push work with WordPress and WebViewGold?
- Can I convert my website to Android app with WebViewGold?
- Does WebViewGold work with websites/web apps built with HTML 5 Games?
- Does WebViewGold work with websites/web apps built with Progressive Web Apps (PWA)?
- Does WebViewGold work with websites/web apps built with WordPress?
- Does WebViewGold work with websites/web apps built with PHP?
- Does WebViewGold work with websites/web apps built with HTML?
- I see that my WebViewGold app doesn’t show AdSense web ads. I want to show my website as it is displayed in web browsers (with all default AdSense ads) instead of native AdMob ads with the iOS/Android AdMob SDK.
- I have a WordPress website, and I don’t want to show all pages / hide some links in my app built with WebViewGold. Is this possible?
- How to hide/modify/add specific elements from my site?
- In WebViewGold, do I have the option to make a grid with several icons that lead to different URLs on the home page? Something like a landing page?
- Are there back/forward buttons in the WebViewGold app template?
- My website uses a JS slider (e.g., https://swiperjs.com/), and when the user swipes, some of the text flickers. Is there any way to stop this from happening?
- I want to change the color of the status bar, the background color of the splash screen, or the color of the loading sign in Android.
- I want to hide the status bar / statusbar on Android (instead, I want an full screen / full-screen / fullscreen app).
- How does the QR Code Scanner / QR Scanner work?
- Can I access web data when the app user is online and use these data in my local web assets?
- How to remove the OneSignal SDK? How to remove Firebase SDK? How to remove Admob SDK?
- My site is slow, how to improve it?
- Android: How to resize the splash screen? Can I do a full-screen / full screen splash screen / loading screen?
- How to modify the splash screen? Can I use an animated GIF? Can I still use a static image?
- How many apps I am allowed to publish with one license?
- While changing the Android package name, the bundle identifier continues to contain “webviewgold” // How to rename the package name part “webviewgold”, too?
- How do I shorten / flatten the Android package name?
- How to disable the Android permission not required?
- Android giving this error: “No matching client found for package name” What should I do?
- After renaming the Android package name, the app does not work anymore. What should I do?
- How do I rename the Android package name?
- How to run JavaScript code from Android Java code?
- How can I remove the pinch to zoom (zooming) functionality in Android?
- How can I disable the “Download Image” pop up dialog/pop-up dialog on long click on images, please?
- Is this app template whitelabel? Or does the WebViewGold app template contain branding / ads from your company?
- While using WebViewGold, my website shows a black screen when playing audio // Can I avoid the native fullscreen audio/video player with HTML5 on iOS or Android? // How to achieve in-line video / inline video player?
- How can I record live audio (microphone access) via HTML5 and WebView? How about WebRTC support?
- How long does it take from giving you the URL to actual deployment on stores?
- Are Web Push Notifications and Push Notifications the same? Can I send Web Push notifications / Web Notifications to my WebViewGold app?
- How can I send individual push notifications for users?
- How do push notifications work?
- Can my In-App Purchase products be imported automatically from WordPress?
- How to set a successful URL for In-App Purchases? If I use your in-app purchase API, would it be possible to identify the buyer grant full access to web content? If yes, do I need to do it manually or is it an integrated solution?
- AdMob not showing up in Simulator.
- AdMob showing this error/warning: “We didn’t find a developer website in your app listing on App Store”
- Multiple file upload does not work correctly.
- AJAX Upload field / Drag & drop area / Camera upload / Photo upload does not work (correctly).
- I noticed today that hyperlinks in my web app that call up other pages aren’t showing a HTTP Referrer in the HTTP header while using the generated Android app.
- Android Studio generating an error related to :app:processDebugRessources Android ressource linking failed —no-proguard-location-reference’
- Android Studio generating an error saying “is defined multiple times”
- Android Studio saying “module ‘app’ plattform ‘android-28’ not found” OR “module ‘app’ plattform ‘android-29’ not found” OR “module ‘app’ plattform ‘android-XX’ not found”
- Android Studio generating error: “Gradle Daemon…” stuck // When I am importing WebViewGold I see “Starting Gradle Daemon…” message again and again. When my PC RAM gets full it stopes and failed to sync.
- Android Studio generating an error “Entry name ‘XXXXXXXXX’ collided” (e.g., “Entry name ‘LicenseCheck.app’ collided” or “Entry name WebViewGold.app’ collided”)
- Android Studio shows this error: A problem occurred configuring project ‘:app’. > groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: scope for class: com.android.build.gradle.internal.variant.ApplicationVariantData
- Android Studio generating an error related to external_file_lib_dex_archives
- Android Studio showing: “Gradle sync failed: Invalid Gradle JDK configuration found”
- How to disable 3D touch / force touch / long press?
- How to use landscape mode in Android?
- I want to remove the location permission from my Android app (e.g., because of Google saying: “SPLIT_BUNDLE 2: Policy Declaration – Data Safety Section: Location Data Type – Precise Location”)
- I know that WebViewGold supports access to the camera. Thus I would like to know if I can extend that to implement snap (camera or upload image) and crop.
- Will cookies work? Will the login of my website/web app still work? What to do if cookies do not work?
- Can I use Google Analytics in my WebViewGold app?
- Can I use local web assets (like local HTML, …) in my WebViewGold app that is loading remote assets? Does that work with Progressive Web Apps?
- How to test the Android App Links?
- How to change the bell icon of push notifications in Android?
- How to add a customized notification sound in OneSignal / How to add my own sound to push notifications?
- Regarding JavaScript notifications API, what are its advantages and disadvantages compared to remote push?
- My link is opening in a popup. But it should be opened in a normal window.
- Will Google accept WebView apps generated from WebViewGold?
- Which payment options are available for buying WebViewGold?
- I bought the Regular License and I want to upgrade to the Extended License.
- Do I need a Regular License or Extended License?
- Can I switch the URL within one license/one project?
- Can I upgrade to WeSetupYourWebViewApp service / Full Service after I bought WebViewGold?
- Why does my Android app asks for a storage permission?
- Can I update my existing app with a WebViewGold app?
- Do I need coding / development skills?